Construction Lending and Real Credit Administration: Evaluating, Underwriting, and Monitoring Construction Loans

On-Demand Schedule

Fri, March 14, 2025 - Fri, March 21, 2025


60  Mins


Basic & Intermediate

Webinar ID


Most bankers acknowledge that construction lending is riskier than other types of commercial lending:

  • Repayment ability depends on successful completion of the construction before the project can generate cash flow from the sale of the finished property, from rental or lease of the real estate, or from permanent take-out refinancing.
  • During the construction period, the collateral is literally work-in-progress and often the guarantors do not have sufficient outside net worth or income to pay off the loan.

Overview of the webinar

Most bankers acknowledge that construction lending is riskier than other types of commercial lending:

  • Repayment ability depends on successful completion of the construction before the project can generate cash flow from the sale of the finished property, from rental or lease of the real estate, or permanent take-out refinancing.
  • During the construction period, the collateral is literally work-in-progress and often the guarantors do not have sufficient outside net worth or income to pay off the loan.

Who should attend?

  • Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Lenders
  • Real Estate Credit Administration
  • Credit Policy Managers
  • Credit Managers
  • Credit Risk Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Enterprise Risk Managers
  • Chief Credit Officers
  • Senior Lenders
  • Senior Lending Officer
  • Bank Director
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Bank President
  • Board Chairman
  • Analysts
  • Credit Approvers
  • Commercial Lenders
  • Private Bankers
  • Loan Review Officers
  • Auditors

Why should you attend?

Participants will learn how to evaluate the developer’s ability to repay the construction loan, develop an appropriate underwriting of the construction project to ensure the resulting structure ensures the bank will be repaid in full, on time, and as agreed, and how to satisfactorily monitor and manage the credit exposure and the construction activity.

Faculty - Mr.Dev Strischek

A frequent speaker, instructor, advisor and writer on credit risk and commercial banking topics and issues, Martin J. "Dev" Strischek is principal of Devon Risk Advisory Group based near Atlanta, Georgia.  Dev advises, trains, and develops for financial organizations risk management solutions and recommendations on a range of issues and topics, e.g., credit risk management, credit culture, credit policy, credit and lending training, etc. Dev is also a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB’s) Private Company Council (PCC).  PCC’s purpose is to evaluate and recommend to FASB revisions to current and proposed generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that are more appropriate for privately held firms.  He also serves as the PCC’s representative to FASB’s Credit Losses Transition Resource Group supporting the new current expected credit loss (CECL) standard. Dev is the former SVP and senior credit policy officer at SunTrust Bank, Atlanta. He was responsible for developing, implementing, and administering credit policies for SunTrust’s wholesale lines of business--commercial, commercial real estate, corporate investment banking, capital markets, business banking and private wealth management.


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