Managing Your Inevitable Workplace Conflicts


60  Mins


Basic & Advanced

Webinar ID


Managing Conflicts with Individuals

  • What is interpersonal conflict?
  • What causes conflict?
  • Functional vs. dysfunctional conflict
  • Words that lead to conflicts
  • Resolving conflicts by asking questions
  • Our four instinctive responses to conflicts
  • Five conflict resolution strategies
  • Managing conflict with the AEIOU model

How to resolve conflicts by separating:

  • Solutions to the problem
  • Commonalities from differences
  • Future from the past
  • Negotiation from emotions
  • Process from content
  • Options from preferences

How collaboration:

  • Is more pleasurable & respectful
  • Can produce better & longer-lasting results
  • Builds relationships
  • Encourages learning
  • Inspires novel thinking & ideas

Tips for Collaborating During a Conflict

  • Recognize that conflict can be a positive experience
  • Try to see the issues from the other party’s point-of-view
  • Focus on satisfying both parties’ interests vs. defending your position
  • Commit to resolving the underlying issues
  • Speak with clarity & without judgment
  • Seek alternatives that are focused on shared interests

Managing Conflicts within Teams

Functional Conflict is a Component of High-Performance Teams & Organizations

Utilizing the Action Planning Conflict Resolution Process which:

  • Obtains from the participants their proposals for resolving the issues causing the conflict
  • Then facilitates the participants discussing their proposals, developing & implementing an action plan to resolve the conflict

Benefits of the Action Planning Conflict Resolution Process:

  • Issues addressed are current & of the highest priority to the participants
  • All participants have an equal voice in the process throughout each step creating maximum participation, buy-in & Ownership
  • Maximum candor since names are not associated with the participants’ responses
  • Saves meeting time by being able to immediately display & begin discussing the participants’ proposals
  • Results in an action plan - that has a ‘life’ after the planning meeting - with accountabilities & deadlines for addressing the issues

Action Planning Conflict Resolution Process Steps:

  • Identifying the issues causing the conflict
  • Obtaining the participants’ proposed initiatives for resolving each issue
  • In a planning meeting:
    • Reviewing & discussing the anonymous proposals
    • Developing an action plan with team accountabilities & deadlines
  • Implementing the action plan in teams
  • Evaluating the results of the action plan

Overview of the webinar

Interpersonal conflict occurs daily when:

  • We perceive that someone is impeding on or threatening our needs or goals
  • Two or more persons seek to possess the same object, resource, position
  • People maintain incompatible goals, values, or motives

Conflicts can be caused by differences in:

  • Information - do we have the same data?
  • Perceptions - do we see things from different backgrounds & experiences?
  • Roles/priorities - do we have different status or positions which causes us to take a different stand?
  • Relationships/assumptions - do we have the trust level needed to address the issue?

Conflict is a product of our uniqueness & so it is inevitable - its absence would be abnormal. Some kinds of conflict can contribute to the health & well-being of an organization. Other kinds of conflict can be detrimental to an organization and/or its employees.

But a conflict is only one component of a relationship. Often, we are not in conflict with the other person but with that component. Success is addressing that component vs. attacking the other person or defending our ego.

Who should attend?

  • Any Employee
  • Manager or Non-Supervisory

Why should you attend?

Functional organizational conflict:

  • Is constructive, healthy & cooperative
  • Is when the parties are talking & focused on achieving a mutually acceptable outcome
  • Generates new perspectives & ideas
  • Allows options to be debated
  • Enables Individuals & teams to grow
  • A component of high-performing teams

During functional conflicts we feel:

  • Optimistic
  • Full of ideas
  • Heard
  • Valued
  • Trusted
  • Respected

Dysfunctional Organizational Conflict

  • Generates little if any benefit to the parties
  • Negatively impacts the well-being of the parties & organization
  • Hijacks time, energy & trust

During dysfunctional conflicts we feel:

  • Vulnerable
  • Angry
  • Frustrated
  • Anxious
  • Attacked
  • Stressed

Ineffective approaches to managing conflicts include:

  • Ignoring it & hoping it will go away
  • Not discussing the issues objectively
  • Premature judgments/conclusions
  • Using intimidation & inappropriate use of power

These ineffective approaches are triggered by four universal, instinctive responses to conflict:

  • Fight: confront the issue & stand our ground
  • Flight: run away & fight another day
  • Freeze: do nothing & wait to see what happens
  • Fall: yield & give in

However, effective leaders & negotiators know when & how to utilize each of the five conflict resolution strategies:

  • Waiting & Avoiding - ‘The Turtle’
  • Accommodating - ‘The Teddy Bear’
  • Using Power - ‘The Shark’
  • Compromising - ‘The Fox’
  • Collaborating - ‘The Owl’

Faculty - Mr.Pete Tosh

Pete Tosh is the Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four core disciplines:

  • Maximizing Leadership Effectiveness
  • Implementing Strategic HR Initiatives
  • Strategic Planning
  • Enhancing Customer Loyalty

The Focus Group has provided these consulting & training services to manufacturing & service organizations across the U.S., Canada, Europe & the Middle East. Prior to founding The Focus Group 25 years ago, Pete had 15 years of corporate leadership experience including serving as the V.P. of Human Resources & Quality

Pete frequently facilitates a variety of leadership development programs. Employees from over 3,500 organizations have benefited from Pete’s experience and perspective. Pete is also co-author of Leading Your Organization to the Next Level: The Core Disciplines of Sustained Profitable Growth.



ComplianceIQ is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for [1] PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®). Please make note of the activity ID number on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at


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