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Validity : 02nd Jan'25 to 12th Jan'25
New York State recently passed the ‘Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data’ Security Act (SHIELD Act) and is set to go into effect by October 23rd of this year.
The SHIELD Act requires employers in possession of New York residents' private information to "develop, implement, and maintain reasonable safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of the private information. The Act provides until March 21, 2020, for the establishment of the required data protection program, but the data breach notification requirements are operative as of October 23, 2019, effective date.
The Act does not create a private right of action, but the New York State Attorney General is authorized to bring enforcement actions, and violations may result in civil penalties. Privacy Management is a must today. Clients, employees and other stakeholders expect their information to be held private when given to an organization. This is even in the face of breach.
Attend this session by our expert speaker, Dr. Michael C. Redmond, and learn what is important, how to implement the common requirements, and how to still have time left over. Michael will help your organization to manage designing, developing, procuring, architecting, testing, maintaining, and operating systems where privacy controls are required for meeting the NY State Shield Act. Learn about control objectives, controls and guidelines for implementing controls.
You will receive valuable information that you can implement. This is a must for a company having personal data of any NYS Resident including having employees in NYS. Learn how to create, manage and maintain a Privacy Information Management System (ISMS).
Learn to design, developing, procuring, architecting, testing, maintaining, and operating information and communication technology systems where privacy controls are required for the functioning of PII.