California Consumer Privacy Act: What you Need to Know to be Prepared for January 1, 2020 Effective Date

On-Demand Schedule

Sat, September 14, 2024 - Sat, September 21, 2024


60  Mins


Basic & Intermediate

Webinar ID


  • What qualifies as personal data under the Act
  • Who has to comply with the Act
  • What are the provisions of the Act
  • Who is protected under the Act
  • How is the Act enforced
  • What should you do to prepare
  • What is the potential impact of the Act

Overview of the webinar

With California enacting a major new data privacy law last year, now is the time for companies to review and adjust to how the California Consumer Privacy Act will impact their business. Slated to go into effect January 1, 2020, the CCPA is set to be the toughest privacy law in the United States by broadly expanding the rights of consumers and requiring businesses within scope to be significantly more transparent about how they collect, use, and disclose personal information. The act comes on the heels of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides consumers with a number of "European-style" rights. Businesses all over the world that sell into the California market will be affected, regardless of whether they have a physical presence in the state.

Who should attend?

  • CISOs
  • Information Security Directors
  • Data governance and management professionals
  • Staff Attorneys
  • Privacy and Compliance Professionals
  • HR Professionals
  • DPOs
  • CIOs/CTOs
  • Internal Audit Managers and Staff
  • IT Security Officers
  • IT and Data Consultants and project managers involved in data protection
  • Information security or cybersecurity issues
  • Risk management professionals and Auditors tasked with compliance and risk transfer

Why should you attend?

This webinar provides an overview of the scope and key obligations under the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), help you understand if your company’s in compliance, review overlap between CCPA and key GDPR requirements and provide a step by step roadmap to compliance with the CCPA. In this webinar, Michael C. Redmond, Director IT & GRC Consulting and Auditing & Privacy Expert will discuss how organizations need to create a structured method in order to maintain sufficient levels of compliance. Objectives of the Presentation are:

  • Overview of California Consumer Privacy Act: what are the CCPA requirements
  • What companies are affected, what are the risks, what are the deadlines
  • What is covered under the Act and how can it affect your organization
  • What do you need to do today to ensure compliance with CCPA
  • Conducting a Gap Analysis
  • How to audit your compliance program to meet the ACT
  • Risk areas you could miss
  • Breaking your planning into attainable milestones

Faculty - Dr.Michael C. Redmond

Ms. Michael C. Redmond specializes in Business Continuity Management, Emergency Management, Crisis Management, Information Security, Business Processes Reorganization, Management Processing, and Regulatory Compliance. Regulatory Compliance includes: FFIEC, Sarbanes Oxley, Patriot, HIPPA, UCC, Basal Accord, and NFPA 1600, NYSE's version, known as Rule 446, and the NASD's Rules 3510 and 3520 and others. She is the CEO of Redmond Worldwide “Enterprise Solutions That Work”sm.
Ms. Redmond has extensive knowledge in Enterprise Risk Management. She has experience in developing and implementing systematic availability programs, post-event operations, and streamlining operations through availability and contingency planning. Ms. Redmond has done many performed as an Internal Auditor in a consulting capacity for many firms Enterprise Risk Programs. She has done Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Projects for many Universities, Corporations, Government Agencies and the US Military. Ms. Redmond has experience with various applications including, Banking Systems, Financial Applications, Accounting Systems, Payments, Payroll, and Pensions as well as Network Recovery, Telecom Recovery and other areas of technology. Ms. Redmond has prepared Business Continuity Plans for such Data Centers with such technologies as mainframes, local area networks, systems and application software, and telecommunications systems. She has been involved with retrofitting and reconfiguring Data Centers to serve as Hot Sites. She has conducted both Physical Security and Building reviews for facilities. She has consulted for entities in the area of availability planning, specifically relating to End-to-End, Content and Architecture. Ms. Redmond has consulted for a variety of industries including: Financial Institutions, Trading Operations, Manufacturing, Utilities, Educational Facilities, Government Agencies and the Military.

04-09-2020 - California Consumer Privacy Act What you Need to Know to be Prepared for January 1 2020 Effective Date.pdf


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