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Validity : 02nd Jan'25 to 12th Jan'25
Learn the how to design Full Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Training Program for employees including how, when and who should be doing testing organization processes, scenario developments.
Attackers can hit anytime, hence, Computer Security Incident Response Team for a company, government agency or organization must be vigilant 24X7. Both reporting incidents and disseminating incident-related information correctly is a must. Many businesses have not provided adequate training and testing consideration to security issues. Testing helps to raise awareness and help respond to potential organized computer attacks. Gathering intelligence information from all sources is only one area to test.
As organizations begin to build their incident response capability, they are looking to determine the best strategy for putting such a structure in place. They not only want to know what has worked well for others, but also want some guidance on the process and requirements they must follow to establish an effective incident response capability. Designing a CSIRT Training program, Tests and Simulations are key if an organization wants to be prepared to respond to Breach, Malware and more. The reason that so many companies have failed to respond in a quick efficient manner is poor preparation.